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교육시설 현황

강의실, 실습실 등 전경

  • 교육시설 현황 사진1
  • 교육시설 현황 사진2
  • 교육시설 현황 사진3

작업치료 교육기자재 및 실습 도구 현황

작업치료 교육기자재 및 실습 도구 현황 - 대상,사용목적, 번호, 품명
대상 사용목적 번호 품 명
아동 감각통합 및 발달 관련 평가도구 1 Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development
2 Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency
3 DeGangi-Berk Test Sensory Integration
4 Denver Developmental Screening Test II (DDST II)
5 Dynamic Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment for Children (DOTCA-Ch)
6 Korean version of Developmental Test of Visual Perception (K-DTVP)
7 Korean-Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (K-WISC)
8 Miller Assessment for Preschoolers
9 Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI)
10 School Function Assessment (SFA)
11 Social Maturity Scale (SMS)
12 Sensory Profile
감각통합 및 발달관련 치료도구 13 Art Tools
14 Balance Beam
15 Balance Board
16 Ball Pool Set
17 Barrier climbing ladder system
18 Flexidisk
19 Floor Sitter (Small, Medium, Large)
20 Huddle Cuddle Cushion
21 Nonslip Matting
22 Parachute/trampoline
23 Pegs
24 Prone Stander (Large, Small)
25 Puzzle
26 Scooter Board
27 Scooter Board Ramp
28 Sensory Air-Flow Mat
29 Sensory Ball
30 Soft Net Climber
31 Squeezies
32 Supine & Prone Board
33 Swing
34 Swing support frame set (Ceiling embedded type)
35 Tactile Stimulating set
36 Therapy Brush Set
37 Trapeze Bar
38 Vestibular Board
39 Walker (Children)
40 Therapeutic chair for posture correction
41 Thera-Ball
42 Therapy Bench (Small, Large, X-large)
43 Therapy Mat
44 Therapy Roll
45 Therapy Wedge
성인 상지 운동 및 감각기능 관련 평가도구 46 Boley gauge (aesthesiometer)
47 Box and Block Test
48 Disk-criminator
49 Dynamometer, Pinch meter
50 Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA)
51 Grooved Pegboard Test
52 Goniometer
53 Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test
54 Manual Function Test (MFT)
55 Minnesota Manual Dexterity Test (MMDT)
56 Monofilament Kit
57 Nine-Hole Pegboard Test
58 Purdue Pegboard Test
59 O'Connor Finger Dexterity Test
60 Two point discrimination test
61 Stereognosis Kit
62 Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT)
상지 운동 및 감각기능 관련 치료도구 63 Bilateral Sander
64 Digiflex set
65 Double Curved Shoulder Arc
66 Ergonomic Hand Exerciser
67 Graded ROM Arc
68 Grahamizer
69 Putty
70 Shoulder Exercise Ladder
71 Skate Board
72 Thera-vital U/E & L/E
73 Upper Limb Exerciser
74 Vitalstim/Stimplus(연하장애 치료기기)
성인 인지 및 지각기능 관련 평가도구 75 Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR)
76 Global Deterioration Scale (GDS)
77 Korean version of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA-K)
78 Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment (LOTCA) Dynamic Loewenstein occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment (DLOTCA) Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment – Geriatric Population (LOTCA-G) Dynamic Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment – Geriatric Population (DLOTCA-G)
79 Mini Mental State Examination-Korea (MMSE-K)
80 Motor-free Visual Perception Test (MVPT)
일상생활활동 관련 평가도구 81 Functional independence Measure (FIM)
82 Modified Barthel Index (MBI)
83 Spinal Cord Independence Measure (SCIM)
일상생활활동 관련 치료도구 84 Automatic therapeutic table
85 Back Rest
86 Bath Board
87 Bed Stick
88 Bed Wedge
89 Cane
90 Commode
91 Crutches
92 Easy Reacher (Pick-up Stick)
93 Holding Mitt
94 Incline Board
95 Kitchen Trolley
96 Leg Lifter
97 Long Handled Sponge
98 Mobile Arm Support (MAS)
99 Over Bed Table
100 Over Toilet Frame
101 Push-Up Blocks
102 Raised Toilet Seat
103 Shower chair
104 Shower Stool
105 Toilet Surround
106 Universal cuff
107 Walker
108 Wedge
109 Wheelchair
노인 노인 관련 평가도구 110 Allen Cognitive Level Test (ACLS)
111 Berg Balance Scale (BBS)
112 Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)
113 Korean-Activity Card Sort (K-ACS)
114 Quality of Life (QOL)
치료보조 장비 115 보조기기
116 균형능력 측정 장비
117 근육활성도 측정기기
118 노인 및 장애체험 의복
119 뇌파측정기기
120 모의운전재활훈련기기
121 보행 및 동작분석기기
122 컴퓨터전산화인지재활기기